Indian Tennis Players

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What is is a utility for tennis players to manage their data including matches/trainings/earnings/expenses/notes/gear. You can also search for other tennis players here.

Which tennis players can I search for on

You can search for tennis players who have been ranked by All India Tennis Association(AITA). But all other functionality of the website is available to all users irrespective of which country they are from.

How do I get email alerts when my AITA rank changes?

To receive email alerts, sign up on Update your AITA number in your account and select the option to receive email alerts. After this, whenever a new ranking is released with your AITA number in it, we will send you an email with your latest ranks.

How do I get email alerts when my status in the Acceptance List of an AITA tournament changes?

To receive email alerts for acceptance list status changes, sign up on Update your AITA number in your account and select the option to receive alerts for acceptance list changes. After this, whenever there is an acceptance list with your AITA number in it, we will start tracking it and keep updating you whenever your status changes.

How do I get email alerts when new AITA tournaments are added to the AITA Calendar?

To receive email alerts for new tournaments, sign up on In your account select the option to receive email alerts for new tournaments. After this, whenever new AITA tournaments are added, we will send you an email with those tournament details.

Will I get email alerts for each category I am playing in?


How can I add photos/videos to my public profile?

It's a premium feature priced at INR 299/- per year. You can read more here.

Can I maintain my Tennis Match Diary on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account. There, you have the option to add all the details of your Singles and Doubles matches. You can add the result, score, venue, opponent details, and your comments and observations on the match.

How do I see my Head to Head stats vs another player?

If you have added your matches with the aita number of the opponent, then visiting that player's profile will show your head to head stats with that player.

Can I calculate my AITA Junior Points on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account. There, you have the option to calculate your AITA Junior Points for last 52 weeks on a given date. Note that this takes into account only those matches which you have added in your account.

Can I download/export my matches from

Yes! After logging in, go to your account. There, visit the matches section and click Download Matches to download your matches as a csv file.

While adding a match, can I add a new tournament type?

Yes! We have pre-filled some tournament types like AITA-NS, AITA-CS, etc., but you can also type in a new tournament type as well!

Who can see my match details?

Only you! The data you add is only visible to you after you log in.

Can I see statistics for my matches?

Yes! First add some matches and then visit the statistics section in your account. There you can see win/loss stats by year, age group, tournament type(AITA/Local), 3-setters, Singles/Doubles and other criteria.

Can I track my Practice/Training Sessions on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account. There, you have the option to add the date and notes about your training sessions. And you can download your practice session history also.

Can I track my Tennis Gear on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account and visit the Gear section. There, you can add details about your tennis equipment such as rackets, shoes, and other gear. You can record information like the type of gear, purchase date, price, and last used date. This feature helps you keep track of your tennis equipment and its usage over time.

Can I take notes on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account and visit the Notes section. There, you can capture your notes.

Can I track my Earnings/Expenditure on

Yes! After logging in, go to your account. There, you have the option to add the details about your earnings/expenses. And you can download your expense/earning history also.

How do I see the complete ranking history of an AITA Tennis player in a category?

Search for a player and go to their profile. There, you will find links for viewing complete ranking histories in each category they have played.

What is the duration of AITA Tennis Players' ranking histories you have?

From the end of 2014 to the present.

Where can I see current AITA rankings for each category and subcategory?

You can find the current rankings for each category and subcategory here.

Which categories and subcategories do you have current rankings for?

U-12, U-14, U-16, and U-18 for Boys and Girls. Singles and Doubles for Men and Women. Wheelchair Singles and Doubles for Men/Women. Singles and Doubles for Men and Women in age groups starting from 35+ to 65+.

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